Now the real work begins…planning permission has been granted for restoring Madeira Terrace and the green wall!

A milestone was reached yesterday – permission to begin the first phase of restoration of Madeira Terrace.

The Terrace has been closed for 10 years. Building Green has been working on the protection of the Green Wall behind the Terrace since 2008. Getting planning permission has been a huge amount of work by a lot of people. Not easy, not always popular, but we can now move on to making things happen on the ground!

The restoration of the terrace, which has been an iconic part of Brighton’s seafront since the 1890s, will be undertaken in phases. Phase 1 consists of the 40 arches between the Royal Crescent Steps in the west and Shelter Hall – the Concorde 2 venue – in the east.

Building Green is particularly proud of securing improvements to the natural environment along Madeira Drive as part of this work – and how they will be integrated into the heritage and built architecture of the seafront. Truly nature at the heart of a community.

Local interest groups and experts, including local Green Wall support group, Building Green, have helped advise on the best methods to protect, transplant and re-populate the wall. A key consideration has been ensuring the longevity of the concrete-faced East Cliff, which supports the deck – without which there would be no green wall. Certain species found in the original surveys, such as sycamore, would destroy the wall over time so cannot be retained. The 40 arches in Phase 1 are in front of the most flourishing section of the Green Wall currently. The biggest gains in biodiversity will come in subsequent phases of the restoration covering the remaining 111 arches.

Now let’s get behind everyone involved, and see our vision come to life!

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